Newsletter Week 9 Spring 2020
It is very important that your child has the right start to their day ON TIME.
Children who arrive late miss learning time, important instructions, or
explanations. It also causes the learning of other pupils to be
interrupted. Please ensure that your child is in school on time.
Diary Dates
- 28th St David’s Day celebrations- Pupil Eisteddfod in the afternoon.
- 3rd and 4th March- Parents Evening- See class teacher
- 5th March World book day- Come as a character
- 5th March- All parents welcome to a drop in session focusing on how to support your child with the national tests.
- 6th March- International Women’s day
- 6th March- Fair Trade Coffee Afternoon- 2.00 onwards
- 6th March- 9.00- Parent Forum
- 12th March- Parent “Keep calm and Carry on Session 9-11 in the hut
- 13th March- Mini Vinnie Church Cleaning
- 13th March- Readers Café- pupils from Rec to Yr 2 only
- 20th March- Mother’s Day Liturgy- Yr. 5 and 6 pupils and female role models- 2.30
- 20th March- PTFA Mother’s Day gift Sale
- 26th March “Wear orange” for Alzheimer’s awareness
- 27th March- Wear a hat day
- 30th March- 3rd April- In School Easter Liturgy Services
- 3rd April EASTER Bonnet Parade- FP and Decorated Egg competition for KS 2
Welsh Phrase of the Week
Criw Cymraeg have decided that phrase of the week is
Fair trade Coffee and cake
6th March 2.00
Please join us for an hour, Mrs Lewis and the Fair-trade Committee will host
a coffee afternoon to raise awareness of fair trade and its products
“Keep Calm and be happy”
Workshop for parents to offer advice and support on how to help your child to
stay calm and happy will take place on the 12th March from 9-11. All are
Currently the whole school attendance is slightly below our target of 95.8%
If you have a spare hour or even two, we would welcome your help during the school day or with an after- school club.
Please see a member of staff if you could help.
School clubs will continue next week
Universal Church
School are collecting crucifixes from around the world If you are going away
for the weekend and would like to donate one, we would love to put it on our
school display.
World Book Day
Pupils are invited to come as a book character or to make a book character from
a potato!!!!!!
5th March
26th February Well being and Prayer
We would like to invite you into school to spend time with your child. To
engage in a variety of activities e.g. art, yoga and prayer. Times for each
class will be sent home
Free School Meals
If your child is eligible for Free
School Meals it means that, they can enjoy a healthy and nutritionally balanced
meal. Your child is eligible to receive Free School Meals if you are entitled
to one of the following.
- Child Tax Credit- providing you are not entitled to working tax credit.
- Income Support
- Income based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance.
- The Guarantee Element of state Pension credit.
- Support under the Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum
Act 1999 Universal Credit
Please speak to Mrs Griffin in the office she can advise you on how to apply
A Prayer for Ash Wedesday
O Jesus, you place on my forehead
the sign of your saving cross:
“Turn from sin and be faithful to the gospel”
How can I turn from sin unless i turn to you?
You speak, you raise your hand,
you touch my mind and call my name.
“Turn to the Lord your GOD again.”
These days of your favor
leave a blessing as you pass on me and all your people.
Turn to us, Lord GOD, and we shall turn to you.
Pupils in our school are growing to be faith-filled in their beliefs and hopeful for the future.
Our school is helping our pupils to grow by passing on the living and faith-filled tradition of Jesus Christ; by having persevering faith in the pupils, and by encouraging them, in turn, to have faith and hope in others.