Summer Terms 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
What a great week back! It was wonderful to see the children’s faces as they arrived back to school and saw their friends and their teachers. We have had some lovely messages from parents and children. Thank you for all of your support and patience as we implement the various safety measures around the school site.
Plans for September
We are waiting plans and guidence from Welsh Government regarding the reopening of schools in September. We are expecting an announcement and any information we will share with you. It will take some time for us to consider the announcement and guidence that is released with it/after it.
New Intake
At this time of year we usually host parent information sessions for the parents of new nursery and reception children. We have arranged transition visits for new reception children and are just finalising visits for the parents and children who will be new to nursery.
Home learning
We are still providing on line home learning through either see saw or google classroom. If you are having dfficulty in accessing the account, please contact the school.
Free School Meals
If you think that you are entiled to receive free school meals please complete the form- it is on the Local City Council’s website or contact the school and we can offer you some advice.
Transition for Classes
We will send out a letter next week to finalise who will be teaching each class during the academic year 2020-2021.
Sports Day
Due to the current situation, we unable to hold sports day. We are, however inviting you to take part in a virtual Sports Day, next Thursday (please see the attached information). It is hoped that this unique and interesting sports day will be lots of fun, for all of the family! Please upload your photos onto the learning platforms- we hope to make a display and memory book.
Reflection for the week