Newsletter – Autumn term
7th December Flu Immunisation
All pupils from Reception to Year 6 will be offered flu inoculation from NHS. Details and form will be sent home.
Please let the school know if any of your household are awaiting results of a Covid-19 test- emails. Staff are monitoring the school email account over the weekend. When you receive a result- again please email the school even if it is negative.
INSET DAY- 14th December
School Inset day- We are holding a school inset day on the 14th December. The local authority need to undertake essentail work to the IT systems within the school and need access to the classrooms. It would be sensible for us to limit the number of people on site due to the current COVID- 19 restrictions and rules.
Additional Inset days will be in the Spring and Summer term; we will notify you of dates as soon as these have been confirmed.
Reception Admission Sept 2021
Closing date for this round of application close on the 13th January. Copies of the form are available from the school office, via email or on the website. Admission policy is available on request from the school office or from the school website.
Christmas Lunch-16th December
Chartwells have confirmed that Christmas Lunch will be on the 16th December. Please book using the usual system by the 7th December.
Autism Awareness Pledge
Pupil, staff and governors have pledged to support the wonderful work of the Autism Society.
We are inviting you to join with us and make your pledge. Just visit
The pledge will take just 1 or 2 minutes but means that as a community we are celebrating and recognising the uniqueness of us all
The advice around coronavirus remains the same and in the event of your child displaying any of the symptoms, during the school day as outlined by public health Wales, the child will be isolated and parents must collect immediately and isolate for 14 days and follow NHS advice. If a staff member displays symptoms as outlined by public health Wales, the staff member will not return to school for a period of 14 days after symptoms have occurred – this would result in the year group having to self-isolate for 14 days.