School Information
Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to begin by thanking you for your continuing commitment to your child’s education and for working with us as we find a new way of working and learning together. During these challenging times, it has never been more important to ensure that our spiritual, mental and emotional well-being is nurtured along with academic studies. You and your families will remain in my thoughts and prayers during this time and I look forward to continuing to work with you as we progress through these difficult times as a school community. Take care, Kind regards and God Bless Mrs L Smith
We are very mindful of the fact that all the key workers who have been accessing our emergency childcare. If your child has already been accessing our provision, you DO NOT need to re-apply for a place. If you have not yet accessed the provision and you think you may be eligible as a key worker, please see the NCC website for full details and the application process.
Home Learning Update
From 20th April St Patrick’s RC Primary school will be setting work via google classroom for key stage 2 pupils and using the see saw app within Foundation Phase, alongside populating the website with activities. Distance learning is a new adventure for us all. We have placed a number of new resources/activities on the school website-